In the latest music video "VERRE DE TROP" by Dadju, you can find some of our work, like our SPACESUIT, and we also made custom pieces like the black cape for the main actress, and our MATARIKI Mask for the Flower part, and we accessorized the flowers with headpieces (tulle and branches).

Back Cape "MOEBIUS", by Martian Agency

Back Cape "MOEBIUS", by Martian Agency

Matariki Mask

Custom Headpiece for the Flower Look.

Costume Credits :
Cheffe Costumière & Styliste : Marine Arnoul
1ère Assistante Styliste : Céline Bourgeois
Costumières : Faustine Divagou, Clara Cipriano
Renfort Habillage : Lucas Saez
Merci à Jessica Tanko, Martian Agency et ProMarried.

Backstage Photos by CodePukStudio

Backstage Photos by CodePukStudio

Flower headpiece made in Tulle.