This strong silhouette represents the incarnation of an ethereal soul, protected by many different, textured layers.
Integumentum is the incarnation of an ethereal soul who has been purified, freed from its material bonds, embracing its past lives in the eternity. The first massive shell is its armour, protecting the soul. The voluminous shapes contrast with its soft and cloudy texture. The armor covers the soul’s second skin, which is slick, and protects the essence. We can see through the second-skin all her life choices and experiences, which tranform into the marks seen underneath. Within lies a unique soul, fragile, sensitive and yet incredibly tenacious, searching for a new journey.
Finalist Designer Marine Arnoul, France Represented by the French Embassy in New-Zealand World of WearableArt Awards Show White Section
A huge thank for this great video by World of WearableArt (WOW)
Congrats to the dancer for this amazing interpretation of Integumentum, it really stands out on stage ! 👏
Photography by Denis Felix
Model Djo Bibalou