In the latest Paris Match issue, n°3648, from the 11th to the 17th of April, Marine Arnoul had the chance to give a little interview, during the Square Branché Mode at Le Carreau du Temple in Paris, in february.
The article talks about future fashion and how we contribute to invent new technologies who will make tomorrow's fashion.
Thanks to Clémence Pouget for this great article !

The article mention a few designers from the event in Le Carreau du Temple, where they all explain their concept.
" Futuristic fashion is multiple, attest Marine Arnoul, a young designer. It can be visual, as a holographic material who changes colors depending on the light (We have in mind the Eddy de Pretto's Victoire de la musique Show with his black outfit which turns out to be phosphorescent, just like magic...).
Or it can be a personnal service, for example, to counter any electromagnetic fields and prevent Wifi and Bluetooth waves from reaching the body, I got inspired by the Farraday's cage by integrating to my coats metal threads in the fabrics."