// Photo credits
CREATIVE DIRECTION | @marine_arnoul
BRAND | @martian.argency
PHOTOGRAPHER | @paulclichyphotography
SET DESIGNER | @laurinelkante
MODEL | @marine_arnoul
MAKE UP ARTIST | @tiffanyd.mua
HAIR STYLIST | @mhairstylist_
ASSISTANT STYLIST | @style.fanny
ON-SET DRESSER | @tespasnet_baptiste
SET DESIGNER ASSISTANT | @morganndespoulains
SPECIAL THANKS | @burnoutprod

BIOHAZARD | New Collection
The BIOHAZARD collection was imagined in July 2019, long before the appearance of COVID-19. It was then refined during the two lockdowns in France. The initial concept was to show how mankind harms itself through the control it exerts on the environment, and how fashion can be seen as a virus.
Marine Arnoul, the brand’s creative director, wanted to talk about material accumulation and overconsumption, using recovered and upcycled fabrics when possible. This appropriation of mankind over its environment is captured into the looks and questions its way of protecting itself from its own destructive actions.
This collection takes the protective clothing used in building and hunting and transforms it into something intrusive. This creates distorted, strange, silhouettes and exaggerated poses, allowing humans to reconnect with their true nature.
Humans are complex creatures, evolving with a world that they still have much to learn from. They must adapt to this evolution and create a better future.
This collection’s intentions are to initiate a taking control of the way Humans consume fashion. By creating strong inclusive characters and silhouettes, Martian Agency pushes the boundaries and the reflexion of gender coding.

Martian Agency has been invited to participate in the "INSTINCTS DE CIEL" exhibition, organized by KHAOS STORIES, taking place in Saint Denis (France) on a construction site. The Agency displayed its iconic creations and created a live show with the latest collection during the opening night of the exhibition, on the 14th of october 2021. The exhibition was the runway.

Top Photo credit : Creative Direction @marine_arnoul
Photography @paulclichyphotography
Assist. Styling @tespasnet_baptiste
Special thanks to @khaos.stories
Model @mystic__eclectic